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Maintenance of ceramic membrane device. Time:2018.01.30
The maintenance of ceramic membrane equipment includes the maintenance of circulating pump, ceramic membrane tube and other equipment, in which the maintenance of the pump is shown in the instruction manual of the pump.
The use of ceramic membrane element temperature difference control within 40 ℃
After the ceramic membrane device is shut down, the liquid in the system should be emptied and the membrane system should be cleaned to neutral. In the short term, water should be added to the washing tank, and the water will be shut down for use. Long-term shutdown, regular circulation cleaning membrane system. Cleaning procedure with ceramic membrane device cleaning procedure.
Note: Don't use ceramic membrane device during frost, the device should be the ceramic membrane (including pumps, pipes, etc.) within the liquid emptying all to prevent equipment damage.

Prev: 上一篇:Cleaning of ceramic membrane equipment. Next: 下一篇:Advantages of ceramic membrane filtration equipment.

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