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Tomorrow’s Pharmaceutical Processing Solutions Today 时间:2016.08.11
Tomorrow’s Pharmaceutical Processing Solutions Today
August 11,2016

CPhI Worldwide,together with co-located events ICSE,InnoPack,P-MEC and FDF,showcases the entire spectrum of pharmaceutical manufacturing and ingredient supply. It’s the perfect place to establish new business relationships, discover state-of-the-art process solutions and meet GEA’s expert team of technologists.

GEA’s comprehensive portfolio of standard and custom-designed equipment, machinery and entire production lines includes benchtop R&D solutions, completely integrated industrial-scale plant and both batch-based and continuous processing technology.

Solid dosage: From powder handling to granulating, drying, compression and coating, no other supplier offers such a wide range of tableting technologies, including the first ever continuous high shear granulation, drying and tableting platform.

本文截选自GEA China
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